Middle East Media and Policy Studies Institute

Spatial Analysis of Crimes Committed in Jordan, a study of geography crimes

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Dr. Salah aldeen Abdullah Al Abbadi


Young people are considered fundamental in any society as they form the main supporting power for the labor. They provide a wide base in the society building and any defect among them would lead to defect with in the society structure. These people do not have a sufficient physiological and mental stability and balance, they need to be given an extra care especially when they are exposed to social, economic and intellectual pressures that might lead them to drift among criminate world. This issue relates the spatial analysis on thepeople ofJordan that is still suffering from economiccrisis seen through unemployment and poverty in addition to the social factor stress that negatively affected the behavior. This study analyzethe committed crimes in Jordan.

Keywords: Spatial Analysis, Crimes, Jordan, Crime Statistics.


                Human societies witnessed social, economic and political changes and transformations that affected their people and accompanied that transformation effect beginning of many problems, including an increase in crime rates in general and specific crime. Which is a challenge for governance bodies. On the one hand, educational and monitoring institutions, on the other hand, have values related to Al-Muthanna Governorate, as its society was distinguished by social characteristics and ties. Its advantage over the rest of the Iraqi provinces is that it is a society that has overcome the character of clan cohesion (Kamel&hamedalborkay, 2016)

                However, this unity did not stand in the way of the emergence and increase of these crimes, as the variables experienced by the community of the study area after 2003 and at all social, economic and cultural levels contributed directly and indirectly to the increase of these crimes and accordingly the importance of going into this issue increased because this phenomenon aims An important class of society as it affects children and affects family building, stability and social, not to mention that this group constitutes the main pillar of the working and productive group in society, since the geography of crime studies the spatial organization of crime, its spatial patterns and geographical distribution In addition to installing the perpetrators and knowing the underlying causes of their criminal behavior, the two researchers worked to benefit from the foundations of geography in Africa, in particular the crime of crime, from analyzing the criminal behavior of juveniles in the study area by examining the size of the phenomenon and its geographical distribution, in addition to revealing the demographic characteristics of perpetrators of crimes Events, knowing the types of crimes and their causes, and developing appropriate solutions for them (Kamel&hamedalborkay, 2016)

Freedom of Expression and Belief

Jordanian law bans speech considered insolent of foreign governments, officials and organizations, as well as Islam and also prohibits defamatory of others. A famous Islamic apostle and university professor Amjad Qourshah was held by Jordanian authorities on June 14 because he posted a video on his Facebook page in October 2014. As, professor criticized Jordan’s involvement in alliance shelling of the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, led by the United States. At the beginning of September, he was set free on bail by authorities. However, at the time of composing, he stayed being investigated under the eye of the State Security Court accused of exposing Jordan to the risk of dangerous acts, a counterterrorism law arrangement. Later, Qourshah’s capture was defended by authorities as an act of saving the nation from fanatic ideas and hateful speech. Another writer Nahed Hattar was also arrested on August 14, as he uploaded a cartoon on his Facebook page criticizing and disparaging ISIS. The animation delineated an ISIS contender in bed with two ladies requesting God to bring him wine. He was charged under article 278 of the penal code for defaming and offending religion by authorities. Specialists expressed that Hattar’s capture was planned to forestall criticism of religion. Later, on September 25, while going in an Amman court to appear in a trial, he was brutally murdered. From then in 2016, Jordan’s authorities progressively depended upon press gag orders to avoid public reporting on delicate matters. In 2016, specialists forced gag commands on reports like, assault on a General Intelligence Directorate (GID) office northern Amman that prompted four passings; a report against the Ministry of Social Development by orphans; a security activity in the northern town of Irbid in March where one cop and seven aggressors were executed; a road ambush on an Egyptian labourer in Jordan; and the cases of Nahed Hattar and Amjad Qourshah. On August 29, local press channels were banned from publishing news stories of any sort about the king or the regal family other than the material coursed from the imperial court, by Jordan’s media commission. In 2015, an administrative update of the penal code was submitted in parliament suggesting to alter more or less 180 articles of the 1960 code. At the time of composing, officials still had to go through the changes. For the first time, the draft modifications gave options in contrast to detainment, for example, communal facilities.

Freedom of Association and Assembly

In March, a set of new amendments to Jordan’s 2008 Law on Associations was delivered by Jordan’s Ministry of Social Development. The progressions would severely hinder the NGO’s ability to form and run if they get approved. The amendments place tiring limitations on the formation of civil society gatherings and grant the government a legitimate position to breakdown groups on ambiguous grounds or repudiate their ability to acquire foreign funding without three validation. By the end of November, the modifications were still being counselled and had not been submitted to parliament.

Refugees and Migrants

As stated by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), more than 656,000 people from Syria had looked for asylum in Jordan, somewhere between 2011 and 2016. Out of these refugees, round about 54,000 refugees were listed in Azraq Camp, 100 kilometres in east Amman; 7,300 immigrants were enrolled in Zarqa Governorate at the Emirates Jordan Camp, and 79,000 were registered at the Zaatari Refugee Camp in North of Jordan. The remaining were just living outside exile camps. It was said by the Jordanian officials that in 2016 enough transnational financial assistance had not been received by country to deal with the impacts of the outcast emergencies on its open framework, particularly in the communal areas of health and education. The UNHCR Jordan office, which facilitates the immigrant reaction, stated that only 57% of its US$1.1 billion spending objective had been raised by them for 2016, by November.

Women’s and Girl’s Rights

In contempt of 2010 modification that included distending access of women to divorce along with child custody, Jordan’s code of personal status remains invidious. Muslim women being married to a non- Muslim men, specifically, is not recognized. According to article 9 of Jordan’s nationality law non-Jordanian spouses marrying a Jordanian woman for cause of passing out nationality to them and their children is totally being condemned. About 56000 special I.D. cards were distributed among non-citizen children of Jordanian women, however, the report by affected people addressed official’s lack of following 5 through on their entitlements for these children that was declared in 2014, that includes especially possession of driver’s license and work permits.

Criminal Justice System and Police Accountability

Executions carried out by Jordanian authorities are inane between January and November 2016, down from 2 in 2015 and 11 in 2014, at the time it ended an effective cessation of eight years. Torture charges were filed by police court prosecutors under penal code article 208 against five policemen, in January, in connection with September 2015 death in the incarceration of 49-year-old Omar al Nasir. It is only the second known case in point in which police were filed by torture charges, and as of September, the trial was ongoing. Following a three year trial in July, seven drug squad officers were cleared by Police-court that was arraigned of involvement in the March 2013 death in the incarceration of 33-old Sultan al-Qaeda Khatatba. Provisions of the Crime Prevention Law was continuously being used by local governors for the cause of placing individuals in administrative incarceration for about one-year Criminal Procedure Law’s circumvention. A report by The National Centre of Human Rights reported about administratively incarcerated at least 19,860 people in 2015, among which some for longer than one year. Modifications in the Crime prevention law were approved by Jordan’s council of ministers in September including situational informal tribal practices involving Jilwa.

Crime Statistics

Criminal information department (CID) of PSD has tracked a constant increase in crime since 2010, with yearly 20,000 crimes on average (OASC, 2018). In 2016 24,000 crimes were committed whereas for 2017, figures were believed to be slightly higher (though PSD has not released 2017 statistics)(OASC, 2018). Murder, aggravated assault and kidnapping are thought to have increased as compared to the average of last five years, whereas crimes including public administration Bribery, criminal theft, auto theft, attempted theft, and celebratory firearm discharges have remained steady(OASC, 2018).

Smuggling including of drugs 

Jordan’s long and remote desert fringes with Iraq, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and in this behaviour the West Bank make it powerless against the carrying of mass money, gold, fuel, opiates, cigarettes, fake merchandise, and another booty (U.S. DoS, 2016). Be that as it may, the 2016 Universal Opiates Control Technique Report takes the symbol of that sneaking undertakings will, in general, be little scope, with no detectable association between bootleg market merchandise and enormous scope wrongdoing, similar to fear-mongering (U.S. DoS, 2016). It reports that underground market cigarettes are generally accessible, with little government exertion to control deals. However, Jordan Customs now and again prohibits drivers pirating less expensive fuel from Saudi Arabia in bogus tanks (U.S. DoS, 2016). In 2015 worries over overflow viciousness from ISIS-controlled zones of Iraq and Syria, prompted the conclusion of Jordan’s property fringe intersections with those nations – which could affect carrying. The govt starting late pronounced it might be approving higher disciplines on those conveying tobacco things – seen as unfavourably impacting government livelihoods – and would extend controls on edge crossing points. Jordan is viewed as a hallway nation for sedate pirating rather than a goal point. Reliable with the U.S. State Office (OSAC, 2018), Jordan’s topographical area between medicating creating and tranquillize expending nations makes it an essential travel point for bootleggers. It reports that captagon (fenthylline), heroin, hashish and pot are overwhelming medications in Jordan. Inside the last 50% of Walk 2016 alone, Enemies of narcotic opioid Office (AND) workforce held onto 17 kg of hashish, 9 kg of engineered cannabis, 13,000 captagon tablets and 105,000 unlawful opiates tablets and clinical items, and captured 122 suspects in medicating managing cases.6 In 2017, Jordanian specialists seized more than 41 million captagon tablets, 61 kg of heroin, 2,038 kg of hashish and 331 kg of the pot (OASC, 2018). around the same time, there have been 29 revealed instances of endeavoured fringe penetration from Syria – these incorporate both medication pirating and psychological oppression (OASC, 2018). The Jordan Times reports expanded seizures of opiates by outskirt monitors, highlighting an expansion in opiates pirating.

Money laundering and corruption:

Jordan is not included in the money-laundering hub. In the middle east, it has a well developed financial sector along with important relations with the banks. Incidents reports of money laundering are very rare in this region. (US DoS,2016). According to the reports, the Real estate sector of Jordan has been involved in the laundering of illicit funds. In the World Competitiveness Report 2018, Jordan ranked 48th (out of 140 countries) for organized crime and 52nd for incidence of corruption (WEF, 2018). Similarly, in the 2018 Corruption Perceptions Index it ranked 58th out of 180 countries.8 The Arab Transformations Survey Project found that 71.3% of respondents believed corruption was a serious drawback on individual and social progress in the economic sphere (Bertelsmann, 2018).

Regional findings:

As seen, the literature on serious and organized crime in Jordan is very limited. This review also looked in brief at the situation in the wider Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The available literature clearly points to the growth of transnational organized crime networks in the region: In the Middle East, where the so-called Arab Spring has brought down governments in Egypt and Libya and threatened many other countries, organized criminality has flourished as justice systems and law enforcement organizations have been overthrown or handicapped by coping with public disorder. The result has been the formation of new organized crime enterprises that operate on a global scale (Ward &Mabrey, 2014). Due to the current political instability that is caused by the armed conflict, several Arab states have exerted effective control over the borders. It is caused by the armed conflict of many countries. The effect of armed conflicts, as well as weak economic conditions, will be unemployment.  Youth will be involved in crimes as well as they will be disturbed due to these conflicts. European black market will provide ground for these criminal groups, and they will provide several networks to prosper. (UNODC, 2016). In accordance with the literature, there is significant cooperation between extremist groups and criminal gangs. Extremist groups get benefit from illicit trafficking. They act as protectors as well as facilitators. (UNODC, 2016). According to literature, Jordan is not impacted by the criminal groups. According to its geographical location, it would be targeted by criminal groups.

Government efforts


A number of government agencies are involved in combating serious and organized crime, including trafficking. Key among these is the Public Security Directorate (PSD), which answers directly to the Ministry of Interior.15 The PSD is responsible for law enforcement across the country and its mandate includes criminal investigations. The national Gendarmerie (police) also fall under the Ministry of Interior and support the PSD in its law enforcement activities. The PSD’s Anti-Narcotics Department has primary responsibility for curbing drug smuggling, while the Arab and International Police Department (AIPD) links Jordanian law enforcement agencies to their counterparts worldwide. The PSD and Ministry of Labour have a joint Anti-Trafficking Unit, the national focal point leading anti-trafficking investigations (US DoS, 2018). Other agencies involved in combating human trafficking include the Ministry of Law and the Ministry of Social Development.


Since 1926, (Calundruccio, 2005) the Jordan had made laws to prohibit children trafficking while the law passed in 2009 (Tamkeen, 2015) for Anti- Human trafficking (covering adults as well). ‘The Government of Jordan has made true its international promise for the fighting against human trafficking and have passed compulsory legislation from its parliament, but some legal provisions and execution are not fulfilling the international standards’; according to the NGO Tamkeen (2015). The Tamkeen has evaluated and identified many reasons for such downsides in the execution of anti-human trafficking laws by that the Jordanian law deviates international standards. (Tamkeen, 2015)


An analysis of the conditions of female domestic workers in Jordan by 2000 (Calundruccio, 2005) was initiated by (UNIFEM) U.N. Development Fund for Women. Jordan and UNIFEM see eye to eye on a model work agreement in January 2003, which would secure the rights of foreign domestic workers within the country (UNIFEM, 2003 cited in Calundruccio, 2005). The work agreement secures the rights of workers to life insurance, health care, rest days, and some repatriation. The agreement will be taken as a need for gaining an entry visa, except which no worker will be allowed to Jordan. The states like Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Pakistan are covered under this programme.


The government of Jordan have supported by UNODC, which is the major international development organization of the United Nations Office (UNO) for drugs and crime. It supports Jordan’s Government for combating organized crime. In Jordan, the interventions by UNODCs are part of broad regional programmes:

Airport Communication Project (AIRCOP) – The purpose of AIRCOP is to build the stronger ability of global airports to identify and capture drugs and other illegal products and suspected and dangerous passengers like foreign terrorist fighters, their home countries, origin and route. This was implemented by UNODC in collaboration with INTERPOL and the World Customs Organization (WCO). The other major tasks of AIRCOP is to promote the intelligence and information, gathering and sharing among the services at the domestic and global level. Moreover, to counter drug trafficking and intelligence-led approach and many other dangers. This project is covering over 30 states, including African, Middle Eastern, Latin American and Caribbean states. It is funded by Japan, Canada, the United States of America (U.S.), Norway, France and Netherland and as well as the European Union. By the end of 2018, Jordan’s joint Airport interjection Task Force becomes fully operational due to this project, and consequently, it becomes first MENA JAITF. 

Container Control Programme (CCP) – Members states strengthen their border control abilities to identify illegal commodities in Cargo Containers with the assistance of CCP under the combined programme between the UNODC and WCO. Since 2015, when in Aqaba the first portal control unit was launched, Jordan used to be the member of CCP at that time. In Queen Alia International Airport, the foundation of Air Cargo control unit was laid down in 2016. The programme of CCP is a backbone of Jordan’s National security policy said by the Director-General of Customs of Jordan. Till now, this programme has accomplished excellent outcomes in terms of controlling illegal and illicit drugs.

Criminal Equity Framework and Police Responsibility

                Jordanian specialists didn’t play out any legal punishment among January to November 2016, down from 2 come out of 2015 and 11 in late 2014at the point when it completed an eight-year genuine boycott. January, court inspectors recorded torment charges under code article 208 against five cops concerning September 2015 going in the confinement of Omar al-Nasrin. It’s simply the event during that torment responsibilities are recorded in contradiction of police,henceforth in September  primer was consistent .Following  starter of three year,  court cleared team for seven drug authorities defendant of incorporation inside  Walk in  2013 end and  the control was  of Sultan al-Khattab in the month of July. Nearby governors kept on utilizing arrangements of the Wrongdoing Anticipation Law of 1954 to put people in organizational imprisonment in any event, 1 year in avoidance of Framework Law of criminals. Jordan’s advisory group of ministers embraced adjustments to the Bad behaviour Expectation Law that systematize easygoing characteristic takes a shot at including the Ojibwa in September, which incorporates banishing relations of the alleged offender of crime from their district of a home as a bit of a clearance between different tribes.Experts protected the alteration of appearance that it may limit jilwain arranging relations instead of relatives people, be that as it may, the move, regardless, enables specialists to rebuke individuals for a criminal offence they didn’t execute.

Criminal Statistical Reports of 2018

Table 1: Crimes Rate per 10000 Person According to Regions / Police Directorate 2018

Territory / Police Directorate
No. of Crimes


Crime Rate
Capital Region29410926011794
Middle Amman339243603051
South Amman575367403051
North Amman358034402832
East Amman1618447202860
Central Region2121908874523
West Balqa26136280352
North Region2027713555634
West Irbid19362130700
Al Ramtha22257560575
South Region228020141785
West Maan1857590104
Royal Bedouin Police21435484918
North Bedouin23180345411
Middle Bedouin18236953423
Southern Badia environmentSouth Bedouin4618186

Table 2:  Kinds of Crimes in Jordan According to Regions 2018

Kind of CrimePercentageTotalRoyal Bedouin PoliceSouth RegionNorth RegionCentral RegionCapital Region
Crimes against the Person4.6611484998328331342
Crimes against Public Confidence0.74182373932101
Crimes against Property67.58166615941067382227248454
Crimes against Public Administration10.992709902925494951283
Crimes against Public Safety7.811925137163440465720
Crimes against Public Morals and Ethics6.24153921113319354732
Other Crimes1.994902445137122162

Table 3: Kinds of Crimes in Jordan According to Regions / Police Directorate 2018

Region / Police DirectorateTotalOther crimesCrimes against morality and public moralsCrimes that pose a threat to public safetyCrimes against the public administrationMoney crimesCrimes against public confidenceHuman crimes
Capital Region1179416273272012838454101342
Middle Amman305140248166330213030107
South Amman30513615224034321733275
North Amman2832281729828821831944
East Amman286058160216322196820116
Central Region4523122354465495272432331
West Balqa352565527218536
North Region5634137319440549382239328
West Irbid70016339053447358
Al Ramtha57512113531459621
South Region1785451131632921067798
West Maan104582315701
Royal Bedouin Police918242113790594349
North Bedouin411896538262029
Middle Bedouin42311116641273219
South Bedouin84516115911

Table 4: Crimes in Jordan According to Regions / Police Directorate (Felonies/Misdemeanors) 2018

Region / Police
Capital Region47.841179488342960
Middle Amman12.3830512203848
South Amman12.3830512281770
North Amman11.4928322240592
East Amman11.6028602110750
Central Region18.35452330001523
West Balqa1.43352221131
North Region22.85563438421792
West Irbid2.84700445255
Al Ramtha2.33575459116
South Region7.2417851180605
West Maan0.421048123
Royal Bedouin Police3.72918644274
North Bedouin1.67411275136
Middle Bedouin1.72423305118
Southern Badia environmentSouth Bedouin0.348464


To know the reasons behind committing crimes by people of different areas is not an easy matter due to the overlapping and intertwining causes and cannot be recognized to one reason without another, because the committers of crimes within the different age groups did not find the required care and attention. This is what was exposed to us through this study, and these are wide-ranging reasons behind this.

These are some causes associated with the individual variables of the individual represented by biological effects (such as birth defects and disabilities) led to the society’s lack of acceptance of them, which led them to commit crimes that fulfill their personal desires, as well as the effect of socialization that the juvenile is going through, such as the parents ’strictness in raising their children or the other way around, such as negligence and the constant tolerance of children’s mistakes, and the lack of monitoring and follow-up of children..

Usually the family’s situation is reflected people to commit any crime, whether it is a negative or positive reflection, depending on the family’s situation. Stability or disintegration and disintegration, in turn, creates an appropriate environment for the lack of social control, and, as is customary, the family is the most important factor of social control.


  1. Bertelsmann Stiftung (2018). BTI 2018 Country Report – Jordan. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung (BTI). https://www.btiproject.org/fileadmin/files/BTI/Downloads/Reports/2018/pdf/BTI_2018_Jordan.pdf
  2. Calundruccio, G. (2005). ‘A review of recent research on human trafficking in the Middle East’, in Laczko, F. &Gozdziak, E. (2005), Data and Research on Human Trafficking: A Global Survey, International Organization for Migration (IOM).
  3. http://www.tipheroes.org/media/1534/an-analytic-review-of-jordanian-legislation-related-to-antitrafficking.pdf
  4. https://www.state.gov/j/tip/rls/tiprpt/countries/2018/282681.htm
  5. https://www.unodc.org/documents/middleeastandnorthafrica/RegionalProgrammedoc/Regional_Programme_for_the_Arab_States_2016-2021.pdf
  6. Kamelkelaiwy, D. L., &hamedalborkay, A. L. A. (2016). Spatial Analysis of Juvenile Crimes in The Al Muthanna Province A study in Crime Geography. مجلةكليةالتربيةالأساسيةللعلومالتربويةوالإنسانية / جامعةبابل, 26(1), 571–587.
  7. OSAC (2018). Jordan 2018 Crime and Safety Report. Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC), US Dept. of State. https://www.osac.gov/Pages/ContentReportDetails.aspx?cid=23657
  8. Tamkeen (2015). An Analytical Review of Jordanian Legislation Related to Anti-Trafficking.
  9. UNODC (2016). Regional Programme for the Arab States (2016-2021). United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
  10. US DoS (2016). International Narcotics Control Strategy Report 2016, cited in Know Your Country. https://www.knowyourcountry.com/jordan1111
  11. US DoS, (2018). Trafficking in Persons Report 2018: Jordan. Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, US Dept. of State.
  12. Ward, R. &Mabrey, D. (2014). ‘Transnational Organized Crime in Asia and the Middle East’ in Albanese, J. &Reichel, P. (2014), Transnational Organized Crime. SAGE Publications. http://sk.sagepub.com/books/transnational-organized-crime/i541.xml
  13. Watkins, J. (2018). ‘Policing and protection for Syrian refugees in Jordan’. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. https://carnegieendowment.org/sada/77511
  14. WEF (2018). The Global Competitiveness Report 2018. World Economic Forum. http://www3.weforum.org/docs/GCR2018/05FullReport/TheGlobalCompetitivenessReport2018.pdf
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